A Lifelong Teacher and Promoter of Love, Peace, and Joy

My name is Jeanne Sanner, and I am very happy that you have decided to explore my website with me. I sincerely hope our stroll together proves to be of value to you.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, so you will know who you are walking with through the park.

My Spiritual Path

The hike along my spiritual path began at a very early age. I was raised in a Methodist, Christian family, which served as a wonderful foundation for my future spiritually rewarding explorations into all of the major religions of the world, their sacred texts, beliefs, and rituals.

My spiritual journey actually began with an experience I had when I was four years old that proved to be an important first step on my ultimate trek towards spiritual truth.

Jeanne Sanner book photo

Beyond Childhood

Like everyone else’s pathway to divine peace, joy, love, and freedom, “life” scattered struggles, pain, and sorrow all along the walkway I traverse. Tragic abuse obstructed my hike through life at every turn. Yet today, I see each of those “boulders,” ruts, and stumbling stones as a valuable asset in designing the beautiful pathway I walk today.

If you are interested in discovering the details of my hike through life,
I invite you to read my second book Finding Unconditional Love a Little "Peace" at a Time.

Alert: Everyone's life comprises difficult and sometimes very graphic moments; mine is no exception. Finding Unconditional Love a Little "Peace" at a Time chronicles the major events in my life that took me from victim to victor and far beyond. The book is much more than a mere biography; it provides the life-changing spiritual insights I gained and lessons I learned from my experiences.

Many people have shared with me that once they started reading my book, they couldn't put it down, that it was easy to read, and the book was inspirational and life-changing for them. I hope you feel the same way if you choose to read it.


You will also find my first book there, The Spirit of Unconditional Love: A Handbook, which became a bestseller on Barnes and Noble and is used in counseling programs throughout the country.

Teaching and Theatre

Though spiritual awakening is my prime focus in life, it is not my only passion. Teaching and theatre were when I was young—and are now in my retirement—high on the list of my life’s pursuits. I wanted to be a teacher from the age of five when my parents gave me a blackboard, some white chalk, and an eraser for Christmas. My dream of becoming a teacher came true. I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology with minors in English and secondary education from Frostburg State College (now University of Frostburg), Maryland, and I had the joy of teaching high school for ten years in Maryland.

I then moved to California, earned my Master’s in Education through the University of Phoenix, and my doctorate in spiritual studies from the Emerson Theological Institute and obtained an instructor position in a private college, The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. (Many of my friends got a hardy laugh when I told them where I was teaching since fashion is not at all a strong suit of mine; however, because it was important to my students, it became important to me as a teacher.) I was an instructor in the General Studies Department and taught English composition, grammar, effective speaking, critical thinking, psychology, and even math. I found a way in each of those subjects to design the course to include content from the students’ majors in order to ensure their interest in the subject. I also became the instructional specialist at the Irvine campus. I had twenty wonderfully fulfilling years at FIDM.

A series of very synchronistic events happened in my senior year in high school that led me to theatre. You will find the details of those fascinating moments in my life in my book. Ever since 1963, I have been a stage actor, director, and coach. I owned my own acting studio, Class Acting Academy, in the 1990s for seven years. I credit my experiences in the theatre as being a fabulous spiritual teacher. Walking in the shoes of so many different characters' souls has expanded my compassion for others in ways that may not otherwise have happened.


However, the greatest love of my earthly life for the last 43 years has been as of March 2021, is, and always will be, my wife, Laura. There are no words to describe the love and joy she brings into my life.

Now my life is filled with doing all the things I love. I established the Village Theatre and Film Arts Academy in the community where I live; I get to act in and direct stage productions in our 814-seat theatre; I teach classes in acting and directing; I founded The SOUL Club (The Spirit of Unconditional Love Club), and I teach classes on a book called, A Course in Miracles, which has become the spiritual path I now follow.

You now have a glimpse into who I am, and I hope I am someone you would like to stroll through the park with; I know I would love to have you join me.